
Munich XXL 7 Drawer Garage Toolbox

£1.99Per Entry

79 %
477 / 599
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SKU: 5182227 Categories: ,

Munich XXL 7 Drawer Garage Toolbox


Drawer 1:

3 ratchets/ratchets with fine teeth (1/4 inch, 3/8 inch, 1/2 inch)

✅ 1/4″ inch accessories:

13 nuts from 4mm to 14mm (all common sizes)

11 long nuts 4mm – 13mm (all common sizes)

Cardan joint

Extension 65mm

✅ 3/8″ inch accessories:

10 nuts from 10mm to 19mm (all common sizes)

11 long nuts from 8mm to 19mm (all common sizes)

Cardan joint

Extension 115mm

✅ 1/2″ inch accessories:

17 nuts from 10mm to 30mm (all common sizes)

9 long nuts from 10mm to 24mm (all common sizes)

Cardan joint

Extension 110mm


Drawer 2:

✅ Accessories 1/4″ inch ratchet:

Internal Torx nuts without hole – (T8,T9,T10,T15,T20,T25,T27,T30,T40)

Internal Torx nuts with hole – (TT8,TT9,TT10,TT15,TT20,TT25,TT27,TT30,TT40)

Allen nuts – (H3 to H8)

Slotted nuts – (SL4 to SL7)

Cross nuts – (PZ0 to PZ3, PH0 to PH3)

Multi-tooth nuts – ( M8, M10, M12)

Five-star nuts – (TS10, TS15, TS20, TS25, TS27, TS30, TS40, TS45, TS50)


✅ Accessories 3/8″ inch ratchet:

Attachment for bits

Internal Torx nuts without hole – (T40, T45, T50, T55, T60, T70)

Internal Torx nuts with hole – (TT40, TT45, TT50, TT55, TT60, TT70)

Allen nuts – (H7, H8, H10, H12, H14)

Slotted nuts – (SL8, SL10, SL12)

Cross nuts – (PZ3, PZ4, PH4, PH8)


✅ Accessories 1/2″ inch ratchet:

Short attachment

Allen (H14,H17,H19,H22,H24)

Multi-tooth M16

Medium attachment

Allen key (H5,H10,H11,H13)

Torx (T40,T45,T50,T55,T60,T70,T80)

Ribe (R9, R10)

Multi-tooth (M9,M10,M12,M14,M16,M18)

Long attachment

Torx (T30,T45,T50)

Allen key H7


Drawer 3:

✅ Open-end ratchet wrench 8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-19-22mm;

✅ Double ring spanner set 8-piece 6-7mm, 8-9mm, 10-11mm, 12-13mm, 14-15mm, 16-17mm, 18-19mm, 20-22mm

✅ Torque wrench


Drawer 4:

✅ Circlip pliers set inside/outside 4-piece. (2x curved, 2x straight)

✅ Pliers set: (combination pliers, side cutters, straight needle-nose pliers, curved needle-nose pliers, pipe wrench)

✅ Lath hammer

✅ Punch (3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm)


Drawer 5:

Precision mechanics screwdriver

Slotted: SL3.0 x 100mm

Cross: PH0 x 100mm

✅ Screwdriver with soft grip and outside hexagon:

Slotted: SL6 x 38mm; SL5 x 75mm; SL6 x 100mm; SL8 x 150mm

Cross: PH2 x 38mm; PH1 x 75mm; PH2 x 100mm; PH3 x 150mm

✅ Torx screwdriver:

T6 x 80; T7 x 80; T8x80 ; T9x80 ; T10x80 ; T15 x 100 ; T20 x 100 ; T25 x 100 T27 x 100 T30 x 100 ; T40 x 150


Drawer 6:

✅ T-handle Allen / hexagon set with ball head (3 x 115mm ; 4 x 120m


Drawer 7:

✅ Empty

Live draw July 28, 2024 @ 11:00pm.

Draw takes place regardless of sell out. Competition will close sooner if all entries are sold.

The Live draw and updates will be on the Pristine Competitions Facebook page!

You will be allocated ticket number(s) at random when your order is confirmed and will receive the number(s) via email.

The total amount of entries for this competition is (599).

Is the winning number selected completely at random?

We use Google’s Random Number Generator to select the winner of each competition so the winning number is is completely chosen at random, in a live stream on Facebook.

How long will it take to receive my prize if I win?

We will make arrangements with the winner to arrange either collection or delivery.

What if the competition timer runs out and the competition is not completed?

If the competition has not sold out within the time scale, the draw will still go ahead.

How many entries am I allowed to have in any one draw?

Each player can enter any competition a maximum of as per stated on each competition.

Tickets added!

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